
Becoming an all-around kind of guy takes some work, some luck, and more than a little misadventure.

From my earliest days, I’ve been curious about lots of things, from the shape of street signs to the special effects in movies to why we use money, among many others. This inevitably translated to wanting to get out there into the world.

A native of Montreal, Canada, when I was four my family decamped for a three-year stint to the Mediterranean shores of suburban Tel Aviv. After an unusual round of schooling and career choices — from computing and the general sciences to film production and communications to screenwriting and then, coming full circle, back to technology — I decided to take a break from it all and travel around the world. I had lots to think about in my time away, having lived in six different cities and gone through the tribulations of a living liver donation and a breakup from my partner of several years.

When life hands you a story like that, you simply have to write it down. In my case, that process turned into the first-ever travel memoir about a gay guy traveling solo around the world. I’m pretty fond of it. I hope you are as well.
